Rules to follow when you’re giving your child access to a computer

The main rule is to introduce reasonable restrictions: age, theme, and time.

  • If the child is under three years old, then, as any activity at this age, playing on the computer should not exceed 15 minutes at a time. And a day – no more than 30 minutes.
  • As long as the child has not formed a sense of consciousness and responsibility (applies to elementary school students as well) access to a computer without time limits is contraindicated to them.
  • Selection of games in accordance with age.

Video games have a specific age limit. The lowest threshold – the age of 3 years (pay attention, the packaging should have a sign “3+”).

Then there are games for children aged 7 years, then – from 12 years, 16 years and starting from 18 years.

Games for the very youngest, as a rule, are more colorful, simple, and often devoted to popular cartoon characters.

The reverse side of the package with the game should indicate on what grounds this or that age restriction is introduced (for example, games from 18 years old may contain profanity, scenes of violence, etc.).

It is constantly necessary to offer the child something to do besides the computer. But not to impose, but to offer.

Otherwise, their constant bans you make an ordinary computer unattainable dream. So there is an unhealthy interest in games.

Yes, many parents are very comfortable when their child is sitting at the computer and does not prevent them from doing their business. But when then the parents themselves want to spend time with their children, then their children will not see the need for it.

Make your child understand that there are so many interesting things in the world!

To close in four walls and explore the world through a screen – you can always have time, but to feel the cool breeze, touch an unusual pebble, unravel a knot …

It is necessary to be able to educate the child’s interest in the real world, and then computer addiction does not threaten him.

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